My Lovely P Vagina Treatment Testimonial

We had been selling another product of vagina tightening and treatment. Then we noticed their effect tend to be lessen, and more clients complain to me about this. So we developed this My Lovely P series by controlling the ingredients and technology used by them. We use the best chinese herbs at the top range, you can check out the active ingredients list by clicking here
We can guarantee that My Lovely P Vagina Treatment Series has better effect than the old stock we were selling (even better than last time while old stock quality still maintained!)
Below are our new products good review. The reviews are from sending sample to past customers, and here is their feeback! Most of the reviews are original in chinese, if you don’t understand chinese you can ask from our customer service.

Gigi Lee on sms 016-5932xxx
Hi Sarah, this new vagina tightening really good ler! Just one stick also can see result already. Last time I used that tian xiang dou kou sometimes will melt sometimes will not melt, I also feel pressured. Cause worried not yet melt yet. Got one time I go toilet the whole pill capsule dropped out, so wasteful! Now this one after I used no need to worry one. Hahahaha… And I also feel cold cold inside. The tian xiang dou kou won’t have this feeling. Feel quite fresh and nice. Using this I got discharge come out, tian xiang dou kou won’t have. The discharge very smelly oo. I think is the toxins inside which tian xiang last time cannot flush out.
See W K on sms 016-4928xxx (这位客人旧货第一批的阴道紧买过一次,然后2009年年尾买过一次然后就投诉旧货的阴道紧效果不如前了)
Ms Tan on sms 012-5402xxx
我之前用了6盒天香豆蔻都没有效。这个用了4支就很紧了哦!!相信用完两盒再用那个强调紧的巩固就会紧到好像少女时代了。谢谢你的free sample. :)
Updated on 22/10/10
Client had serious leukorrhea from yellowish to transparent to no more!
为你而:P 阴道护理好评,黄带,白带问题都消除了!
3rd and 8th day result:
用了为你而:P 3 天,黄带出来了!
用了为你而:P 8天,黄带减少!排毒,宫毒
Client has loosen vagina and dryness problem, she used a lot of other products but can’t see the effect. My Lovely P gives her very good result!

Next customer:
My lovely P 为你而:P 好评,解决白带问题!

Certificates and proofs and its safe to be used.

My Lovely P 安全使用,没有危险的份子
My Lovely P 为你而:P
Updated at 26/11/10

Below is a good review from wholesale team’s customer, she says after use my lovely p the effect will be there forever but I need to make it clear.
For normal circumstances after using two boxes and one instant tightening the effect will be very prolonged. The duration is according to individual, it may be up to 3-4 years, it depends on aging factor, sex frequency, loss of collagen and how you take care of your body. We need to fight gravity, after every period and sexual intercourse there is possibility that bacteria stays inside. So we should detox ourself once a while.
90% of my client will take the buy 2 detox free 1 instant tightening package. If you trust me enough and have the budget its better to take this way. Our professionals say detoxifying is like cleaning room, instant tightening is like using a air refreshener. If you don’t detox first but straight on put instant tightening the effect will be there, but same theory to our room, the effect won’t be the perfect like after clean only put air refreshener. If you only buy a detox box and use it slowly the effect will be there also, but its like cleaning the room slowly slowly, the effect won’t be that surprising. If your partner is coming back and you want to surprise him and got limited time to prepare you can use instant tightening. Or else, its better to detox first then put instant tightening. :)

updated on 31/12/2010

updated on 01/01/2011

Updated on 18/01/2011

updated on 25/01/2011

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